
Fleet Film is an award-winning film society serving Fleet and district with a unique programme of films from around the world, including many acclaimed films that rarely reach mainstream cinemas.

We were founded in 2013 and are now one of the most successful film societies in the South of England. We show films every fortnight from September to July. We also show short films, annually present awards to local film students and have other special events, including outdoor cinema. Why not come along and see how different we are from the average cinema?

Films are screened at The Harlington in Fleet every fortnight on Mondays. Everyone is welcome.


Entrance is free for members How to join
Guest tickets are £7.00 at the door or available online

Doors open 7:30pm, film at 8:00pm.
Bar open from 7:30pm.

Film Selection

We take a lot of care over the films we choose because we want to showcase the best that world cinema can offer. Our selection team attend various screening events across the country to pick a variety of films which are then carefully scheduled during the season to bring something hopefully for every one of our members. Of course, suggestions are always welcome, just get in touch with us.

Cinema for All

We are a member of Cinema for All, a service which has been supporting community cinema for over 100 years. We even won an award just 3 years after our launch!